
... no siempre acertaré, pero lo intentaré. No busco ser exhaustiva, sólo añadir una opinión a las muchas que se crean entorno a las cosas que pasan. Algunas de ellas provocan mi comentario al igual que a muchos de vosotros y sobre ello pretendo un toque de atención.

jueves, 9 de diciembre de 2010

* Wikileaks samba - ...y sigue el Tsunami Julia Assange

Esta es la letra de la Samba lanzada por Sonic Disobedience, en homenaje a Wikileaks y Julian Assange y todo lo que representa de Libertad de Información.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

wikileaks samba
wikileaks samba by sonic disobedience Use down arrow to download and enjoy!What’s next, Wikileaks?What’s next, Wikileaks?What’s next?Don’t stop now, we’re on the edge of our seats!What’s next, Wikileaks?What’s next, Wikileaks?What’s next?Don’t stop now, we’re on the edge of our seats!You have to watch what you say or your words will haunt you.Take extra care when you speak.One of these days you just might find your foot stuck in your cheek. With a flabby old chap and Hitler hobnobbin’And a head of a snake and Batman and RobinThere’s just no place to hide your disgrace You got egg all over your face.The walls have earsIs your conscience clear?If you've got nothing to hide, you've got nothing to fearThe walls have ears and the coast isn't clearIf you've got nothing to hide, you've got nothing to fearOur friends are thin skinned, feckless and vain,with a crazy old man and another just strange,don't corner merkle, she'll become tenacious, she's risk averse and rarely creativeSome are abysmal or taking their medswhile others won't keep their promisesget frequent flyer miles of Ban Ki Moonhis biometric data, we’ll need it soonWhat’s next, Wikileaks?What’s next, Wikileaks?What’s next?Our freedom of press, our freedom of speech?What’s next, Wikileaks?What’s next, Wikileaks?What’s next?Our freedom of press? our freedom of speech?Don’t stress, free the press X2Let the chips fall where they mayThe truth will come out, ready or not Fess up to what you sayBlaming the mirror for what you seediverts the responsibilityTo stifle the leak is just doublespeakIf you claim the press is free.What’s next, Wikileaks?What’s next, Wikileaks?What’s next? Don’t stop now, we’re on the edge of our seats! What’s next, Wikileaks?We cannot wait to know.The cat is out of the bag so on with showThe world’s outraged and it’s no surpriseYou’ve been accused of telling no liesProtecting secrets is the job of the stateThey’ve failed their job yet they’re irateNow there’s a witch huntWe’ve seen this beforeThey need someone to blame to even the scoreBlaming the postman for the letter he brings is likeBlaming the weatherman for the wind When it stings.Lyrics by Nick Santoro

Seguir el día a día de este caso, que tiene todos los ingredientes del mejor de los guiones cinematogràficos...con intriga, persecuciones, sexo, política, drama, espionaje... Creedme, se aprende más siguiéndolo de primera mano, que yendo al cine ó leyendo una novela de intriga ó viviendo el día a día, del trabajo a casa y de casa al trabajo. Sigámoslo todos, és sorprendente hasta donde puede llegar el poder con sus armas de hipocresía, su falta de escrúpulos, los engaños, las codicias, enfin nos quedaríamos sin adjetivos ! Quizás, con suerte, podamos rebajar nuestro nivel de incautos ó de superficialidad y abrir más los ojos e intentar ser más conscientes de la realidad agazapada que nos rodea.

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